A new candidate for shunning: he's probably nowhere near as bad as many of the villains, egotists and losers we've elected to the State Legislature - he actually looks like a nice and pleasant man in his pictures - but according to California Assemblyman Sandre Swanson of Oakland (16th California Assembly District), a major problem in California is the fact that about 900 convicted drug felons have not previously been receiving Food Stamps.
Breitbart reported today that
highly-critical legislation sponsored by Sandre passed today to allow California to make an extra-special effort to provide Food Stamp benefits to convicted drug felons. Also according to Breitbart, "Under the federally funded program, people convicted of drug felonies are banned from receiving the aid after they leave prison. But states can opt out of that ban, and California lawmakers voted Thursday 42-23 to do that."
It's going to cost $1 million. Chump change, right?
Here is what Sandre's official Assembly page says his priorities are: "Education and the health and safety of California’s children are Assemblyman Swanson’s top priorities in the California State Assembly. Assemblyman Swanson believes in keeping our promise to build strong communities and create sustainable jobs for our children."
So, that's why Sandre is a liar to the people and would probably do better as the local golf club host (see below). Everyone with a clue knows that people with raging drug habits sell their food stamps for cents on the dollar, taking the "proceeds" to buy their drugs to feed their habits. Most often, food stamps are sold to drug gang members, who then sell them at a slight discount to hungry families in the area, or to unscrupulous inner-city grocery and convenience stores who make good money cashing them in, while preserving their store stock for paying customers. EBT "Electronic Benefit Cards" are no hindrance, as it is easy to process a grocery order, give the addict a few dollars out of the till, and put the groceries right back on the shelf.
No one made that Federal law to "hurt drug addicts," they made it because it was well-known and proven empirically and through heavily-funded studies that providing food stamps would not effectively put food in the stomach of a drug addict.
And in addition, I am sure teachers are being laid off in the schools in Sandre's Oakland district as I type this. I am equally certain that college students in need of assistance in buying books and other aid through the EOPS program are struggling with all of that program's cuts, and that there are mothers with little children out there who could use some of those food stamps - but who won't get them - because THEY'RE NOT DRUG FELONS.
I'm no expert on Oakland except I know that it's a money pit of unprecedented proportions and hardly a government dime of the billions spent there since the 1960's has made one bit of improvement for the lower-income residents - every quality of life aspect has just gotten worse and worse and worse.
I know that Oakland spawns a peculiar breed of extremely arrogant, self-entitled and puffed up politician and bureaucrat - people who make Los Angeles County Supervisor and career self-aggrandizer Mark Ridley-Thomas look like an amateur.
That said, this "social activist" and "champion of the people" has done the following things for his Assembly District - in the man's own words on his campaign website:
- "Sandré served as Chairman of the City of Alameda Golf Commission which manages Alameda’s successful 45 hole golf complex. As a Commissioner he is leading the Commissions current planning effort for a new club house for the Alameda Golf Complex and is working on the long range planning for a hotel and sports complex at Alameda Point (former Navel Air Station). Sandré is committed to providing recreational activities for children and families."
- Not to be outdone with providing a new golf clubhouse for children and families, always the best-known users of 45-hole golf complexes, "Sandré served as Chairman and Commissioner for the city of Oakland’s Civil Service Commission for two terms. The Commission’s caseload for employee and union appeals doubled because each appeal got a fair hearing from Chairman Swanson. He worked to protect the rights of employees in the work place. Sandré fought for the principles of progressive management and for fair promotions for minorities and woman in the police department, fire department, in public works and thought-out city government." - and let's not forget FOOD STAMPS FOR DRUG FELONS.
And of course - dating to 1993 - i.e. 17 YEARS AGO - this is how Sandre brought economic business to Oakland:
- The Oakland Federal Building was built in 1993. The effort to bring the federal building to Oakland took more than a decade and Sandré was assigned to head this project for Congressman Dellums office. This very important project that required great team work from many local partners which the Congressional office insisted, included labor. Sandré helped win this very important two hundred million dollar project for Oakland and today the Ronald V. Dellums Federal Building is the work place for many federal employees and its twin towers represent an impressive gateway to our city.
- As Chairman of the Alameda County Retirement Board Sandré led the successful effort to purchase and not continue to lease a building in downtown Oakland. That building now serves as the permanent home for Alameda County retirees. The building has also been a very successful investment for our County pension fund.
So, also - according to the California Employment Development Department drawing from US Bureau of Labor Statistics Information -
The City of Oakland's annual average unemployment rate for 2009 was 16.0%.
The City of Oakland's unemployment rate for March 2010 was 17.7%.
Here are the highest employment categories for the city as of the 2000 census (the others are all so small, they are insignificant - including manufacturing, technology, fishing and farming, and even retail-
Services 87,857 48.9% (this is not 48.9% attorneys and doctors)
Public Administration 7,895 4.5% <--- that's that Federal Building and all the other Government Pensioners championed by Sandre.
Now, Oakland is a city of about 400,000 people - and if you live there, you have a one-in-78 chance of being the victim of a violent crime. The California state average is one-in-178. 93% of US cities are "safer" than Oakland. The neighborhood/property buyer or renter analysis website with this information and maps is here. There are 469 crimes committed per-square-mile per year in Oakland, nearly 4 times the number statewide, and far above the national average.
I think all of these problems will be quickly solved by paying off more government-employee workers comp claims, ensuring equal opportunity to the biggest pensions possible for all government workers (except those who are "white" and those doing a good job and those with some vague sense of pride), in building more golf clubhouses and another Federal job building to give those crowded workers a little extra space, raising taxes some more . . . and of course . . .
Making sure the Drug Felons of Oakland cheating convenience store owners and drug kingpins get their food stamps well-deserved social justice profits.
Sandre's opponents don't even have websites. But for the record, they are businessman and Republican candidate James I "Jim" Faison, and business owner and Libertarian candidate Lisa Ringer.
Since I am pretty sure lots of dead people vote in Oakland, and their minds are awful hard to change once they are made up - I guess we'll have Sandre back in the Legislature real soon . . . That's what I call "social justice."
Hey, guess what? Drug Felons already CAN get Food Stamps in California. They just have to fill out a questionnaire (FS-26 dated 12-09) and show they are in a treatment program or have completed one - and provide "proof" - except, guess what? They can choose to just "talk to a worker." Waaaay to gooo, Sandre. That's really solving California's problems - be sure to "oppose Gov. Schwarzenegger too" - any way you can. Like this, since he's already vetoed this idiotic bill before! Man, those "estimated 860 drug felons, most of them women" that can't even be bothered to fill out FS-26 and talk to a worker - that's some really critical "social justice" that's going to get our State back on the right track.
Bruce, "how do these people get elected"? - see "dead people" and "brain-dead people" above. It's Oakland.