The first all-novella book from Panverse Publishing is now available.
Edited by Dario Ciriello, Panverse One (this is according to Dario) "exists to deliver story and sense of wonder in equal measure; to publish great genre fiction which is accessible to the non-genre reader; and to wrap the whole in a beautifully-produced volume with first-rate cover art at a fair price."
Since one of MY stories will be in Panverse Two, what I have to say about this is, Dario's aims certainly came true with Panverse ONE. Those who wish to destroy their eyes, sense of balance or who have been told to refrain from taking artificial sleep aids might want to wait to buy Panverse TWO when it comes out. If you like the wonderful aims Dario sets forth above: it's got to be Panverse One, which is on sale right now. Authors featured are Jason K. Chapman, Reggie Lutz, Uncle River, Alan Smale, and Andrew Tisbert.
The original purpose of the Panverse anthologies was to provide an outlet for longer stories, that were still shorter than a full novel. The "novella" length has been a difficult one for writers for some time. Too short to be put in a full-length book, yet too long to be published in most traditional short fiction venues. I first wrote a novella "just to see if I could," while sitting next to the pool when I used to live in San Dimas. I actually did sell that story, "Shakespeare in Hell," and it's now available via Fictionwise or at Book View Cafe. Dario was most kind to tolerate my efforts at this length a second time around.
Actually, what I found about this length is that - it's a really good match for a film, in terms of story content, character and events and theme.