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Books To See

  • Amy Sterling Casil: Female Science Fiction Writer

    Amy Sterling Casil: Female Science Fiction Writer

  • Edited by Kevin J. Anderson: L. Ron Hubbard Presents Writers of the Future - The First 25 Years

    Edited by Kevin J. Anderson: L. Ron Hubbard Presents Writers of the Future - The First 25 Years
    I would be "1998" - contains an essay from me about why the contest was so meaningful and beneficial to me and others.

  • Amy Sterling Casil, edited by Dario Ciriello: Panverse Two

    Amy Sterling Casil, edited by Dario Ciriello: Panverse Two
    The second of Dario Ciriello's all-novella series. There's a reader review up and you'll definitely have to order this book, because I can tell that the "reviewer" didn't bother to read my story and appears to be doing a Harriet Klausner.

  • Amy Sterling Casil, edited by Kevin J. Anderson: Blood Lite II: Overbite

    Amy Sterling Casil, edited by Kevin J. Anderson: Blood Lite II: Overbite
    Edited by Kevin J. Anderson with featured authors Kelley Armstrong, R.A. Banks, Allison Brennan and Heather Graham - all members of the Horror Writers of America. Oh! It features Mr. Nocholson too. But I heard a rumor that my story was "editor's favorite" (and don't mean Kevin).

  • Algis Budrys: Hard Landing (Questar Science Fiction)

    Algis Budrys: Hard Landing (Questar Science Fiction)
    My adored A.J. - passed away June 9, 2008. This is my personal favorite book of his, and is the novel most recently published (1993). You will need to order a used copy of this small Warner paperback. It is of the highest literary quality. I am so grateful that I told him that in hard, solid writing - as soon as I'd read it.

  • Amy Sterling Casil: Coping With Terrorism (Coping)
    Out of the dozen or so - the best general interest book for teens.
  • Amy Sterling Casil: Imago (Alan Rodgers Books)

    Amy Sterling Casil: Imago (Alan Rodgers Books)
    My first novel. Compared in reviews to "the best spirit of primo early Philip K. Dick" and "Amy writes like Ray Bradbury on real sci-fi."

  • Amy Sterling Casil: Without Absolution

    Amy Sterling Casil: Without Absolution
    My first collection - short fiction and poetry - from 1998 to 2000. Does not include "To Kiss the Star," but does include "Jonny Punkinhead." With introduction by James P. Blaylock.

  • Book View Cafe Authors: Rocket Boy and the Geek Girls
    The mind tells the story--but the heart inspires it with dreams of what might be waiting Out There. With evocative stories of lost comrades, alien first contacts, and strange, often unexpected confrontations with evolving science, Rocket Boy And The Geek Girls embraces both our pulp-dream past and cutting-edge future. Thirteen authors (fifteen if you count pseudonyms) from the Book View Café got together one rainy Saturday afternoon with a big bowl of popcorn and reruns of Buck Rogers. They started comparing short stories and a new anthology took form. Rare reprints, hard-to-find favorites and new tales all combine in this one-of-a-kind story collection, available exclusively from Book View Press. What happens when thirteen authors get to giggling over implausible titles for the collection? They choose the most illogical and then they have to write something to go with it. So, yes, there are three flash fiction versions of Rocket Boy and the Geek Girls. Stories by: Vonda N. McIntyre, Brenda W. Clough, Katharine Kerr, Judith Tarr, P.R. Frost, Pati Nagle, Madeleine Robins, Nancy Jane Moore, Sarah Zettel, Amy Sterling Casil, Maya Kaathryn Bohnhoff, Jennifer Stevenson, Sylvia Kelso, C.L. Anderson, and Irene Radford
  • Book View Cafe Authors: Mad Science Café

    Book View Cafe Authors: Mad Science Café
    From the age of steam and the heirs of Dr. Frankenstein to the asteroid belt to the halls of Miskatonic University, the writers at Book View Café have concocted a beakerful of quaint, dangerous, sexy, clueless, genius, insane scientists, their assistants (sometimes equally if not even more deranged, not to mention bizarre), friends, test subjects, and adversaries.

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